Vaena the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Vaena created on 11th of May 2014, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 113 hours, 12 months lifetime)

Title: the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: drow shadow

Background history:


PK stats:

Kills: 16, Deaths: 6 (Ratio: 2.7, Efficiency: 72%)
Pinnacle Kills: 15, Pinnacle Deaths: 6 (Ratio: 2.5, Efficiency: 71%)

Kills by class:
necromancer: 1, healer: 2, shadow: 2, warrior: 4, invoker: 3, thief: 2, bard: 1, berserker: 1,
Killed by class:
illusionist: 1, warrior: 1, shaman: 1, dark-knight: 1,

Nemesis: Raldric


  1. xanthas [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    who was this? you were a little bad ass for awhile. nice job
      [reply to xanthas]
    1. asudan [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      I was behind the character. Best memory was assassinating Kewlin in Darkhaven.
        [reply to asudan]
      1. xanthas [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        wtf? did you forget about her?
          [reply to xanthas]
        1. asudan [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
            [reply to asudan]

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