Mishtkah the Unstoppable, Breaker of Curses > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Mishtkah created on 09th of January 2017, and is dead and gone (39 years old, 450 hours, 2 months lifetime)

Title: the Unstoppable, Breaker of Curses
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: half-elf invoker

Background history:


Standing before you is a slender being, nearly six hands in height, but not quite. Mishtkah has a soft red colored hair, slightly curled and jaw line in length, tied back though. His ears have a slightly pointed top, and eyes that depict more wisdom than his boyish good looks should have experienced. His face is patched with similar colored hair, clearly of mixed heritage. He is moderately muscled, but his fingers are long and slender, more suitable for holding a quill, than a sword.

PK stats:

Kills: 21, Deaths: 18 (Ratio: 1.2, Efficiency: 53%)
Pinnacle Kills: 20, Pinnacle Deaths: 17 (Ratio: 1.2, Efficiency: 54%)

Kills by class:
thief: 1, monk: 10, paladin: 2, invoker: 1, necromancer: 1, illusionist: 2, bard: 2, ranger: 2,
Killed by class:
monk: 7, paladin: 1, invoker: 1, illusionist: 1, necromancer: 1,

Nemesis: Kang

Logs mentioning Mishtkah:Mystiques mentioning Mishtkah:


  1. beia [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Sad to see you go. Very unexpected.
      [reply to beia]
    1. Thamu collects the bits and pieces of Mishtkah.
        [reply to Thamu]
      1. tayyah [reply]
        2 , 0 , 0 .
        This character changed the game for me, I look at AR completely different. I learned so much its ridiculous. I feel way more of a competent player than I ever have. Regardless of the timing, Firithien don't feel like you had too much to do with this. I cant believe I had a character that lasted 450 hours. that's nuts! Invokers in Keepers is so silly, like there was fights where I didn't even feel like there was a chance the other player had. Some where grueling battles like Ederiwyn, your a crafty broad. I am also missing my two vampire kills and my 2? Alhoon, I don't think the elite classes are showing up on graveyard. my record seems like it should be higher to me, but what ever! I am not going anywhere, already rolling new characters to figure out the next one. I just felt this guy slipping more and more, and I really wanted to go out on a high note
          [reply to tayyah]
        1. Another person I advised bites the dust... maybe I'm cursed...
            [reply to Percix]
          1. You were a dick when I first met you when I was a lowbie, and you were talking shit about the Alhoon. I then realized and killed all the Alhoon I was leveling with. After that I think we got along. It was fun seeing your perspective on things. Did not expect you to delete, saw a lot of potential and possible a HoE if you could have stuck it out. 450 hours in two months is fucking ridiculous, 6.5 hours a day average is very hard to maintain. Also good job leading a dead cabal for a little while.
            1. tayyah
              1 , 0 , 0 .
              Alright so this was the fucking hardest thing I have hever had to try and roleplay because there is nothing on it, I scoured all the helpfiles I could find on the virgil and antthing else I could think of, and keepers and than the conversations with "virgil" lol I really had to make things up as I went along, and most of the time I was just talking in circles because I figured that was close to the balance
            [reply to Jomino]
          2. RIP. Invokers are scary, witchy things.
              [reply to Kozma]
            1. Stephen2Aus [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              Huge respect Tayyah, for this character had some cool RP - already showing it, and definitely in potential, could have gone so many ways.

              Not to mention a bit of a beast, I'm surprised at the ratio, you were definitely a huge badass and thought it would be higher. Excellent PK abilities mate.
              1. tayyah
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Thanks man I had way to many different interactions to have single call outs to everyone, playing 6 hours a day I interacted with everyone , Everyone helped make this character for me. The only shitty thing that happened was losing almost half the cabal because the dude was a cheater
              [reply to Stephen2Aus]
            2. Oh no!! You were amazing to play with and interact with in lots of different ways, from being friends, to enemies...

              Thank you so, so much for giving us Mishtkah - gonna miss you heaps, was hoping for a few RP angles - maybe convince you to join the dark side, or else... well, who knows what the future will bring any of us!

              Thank you again, sincerely... Can I say "Hall of Exalted"?
                [reply to Firithien]
              1. Kedaleam [reply]
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                I won't say HoE worthy but solid character.
                  [reply to Kedaleam]
                1. Lorne [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  Good show, loved the active pking you were doing as a Keeper. Didn't see the best of rp at times, but from the community it seems you did a good job of that as well.

                  Longevity is important for an HoE character IMO. Being on top of the game in pk/rp for an extended amount of time takes dedication and perseverance. If you stuck it out with this character, I would have said HoE but that would be a no for me at the current status.
                    [reply to Lorne]
                  1. Sad to see you go. Invokers are like the shittiest class for a monk to fight, but we all got to do what we got to do. It sucks when my punches are powerless against you while hellstream and firestorm is dealing crazy damage to me. Nice to see an aggressive keeper though.
                      [reply to Ederiwyn]
                    1. DigitalText [reply]
                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                      I saw a solid streak of consistent effort here. The cited 6.5 hours a day above would burn me out REAL quick. I've only ever managed to pull kind of activity once (elsewhere). Think it was 800-some hours in six months or something. Or was it 600-some? I don't remember. There were grueling periods, but overall it was a very rewarding character.

                      Point is, there's a reason why sticking it out can be very challenging. Only challenges ever bring about rewards.

                      Hats off to Mishtkah for an effort that's hard to ignore. You tried hard here, dude. If someone didn't see it, they weren't playing.
                      1. DigitalText
                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                        No. It was 880 hours in three to four months. Photographic memory of the score sheet just kicked me in the face. I should really stop posting within thirty minutes of waking up.

                        Anyway, cheers to Mishtkah once again.
                      [reply to DigitalText]
                    2. I loved hating you. =)
                        [reply to Lourch]
                      1. Well....shit. To be honest, I was expecting Misthkah to lead the Keepers from "keeping the Balance" to "being the Balance," if you get my meaning...
                          [reply to Dinklebik]
                        1. Power-hungry Keepers. Isn't that what they're about? Gaining power to maintain power so others can't refute them? What they say goes, right? It's like they're supposed to be America.
                          1. Lorne
                            2 , 0 , 0 .
                            Make Serin Great Again.
                          [reply to Dinklebik]
                        2. Nycticora [reply]
                          1 , 0 , 0 .
                          I vote this guy for the HoE

                          I think when he built up a badass reputation and sustained it, that was HoE-worthy. When someone got cursed by the heavy coil of rope and needed a solution, they went to the most powerful Keeper in the land who could destroy any curse and he did it on the first try.
                          1. Nico
                            0 , 1 , 0 .
                            Was forsure not the first try!
                          2. Ergorion
                            1 , 0 , 0 .
                            It was definitely the first try. Anyone saying anything different is fake news.
                          [reply to Nycticora]
                        3. I will second that
                            [reply to Nadrin]
                          1. Thirded!!
                              [reply to Firithien]
                            1. Rhaindoir [reply]
                              1 , 0 , 0 .
                              Courageous soul. Deff a powerfull entity!! HOE+1
                                [reply to Rhaindoir]
                              1. Kedaleam [reply]
                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                And this is someone I wouldn't vote in HoE. Great PK and attendance but I think RP was lacking. I did love the days both you and Kang would be on though. Those were fun to watch.
                                  [reply to Kedaleam]
                                1. He has enough votes, I have moved him to Exalted.
                                  1. Nycticora
                                    1 , 0 , 0 .
                                    marking him exalted before the discussion was over was premature, there is no rush on this stuff and you'll start a shit storm
                                  [reply to Nadrin]
                                2. beia [reply]
                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                  I agree I would not vote him HoE either. He seemed very random and borderline OOC most of the time.
                                    [reply to beia]
                                  1. Merlandox [reply]
                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                    No to HoE as well but congrats on HoE!
                                      [reply to Merlandox]
                                    1. Lorne [reply]
                                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                                      Hmmm, yea I don't know about this one. There's quite a few yes but also quite a few nos...
                                      1. Ergorion
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        One aye. Seven nays. They ayes have it!!
                                      2. Nycticora
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        I think he fits, check out the halls of the exalted. The name belongs there for sure. Keepermaster, won a war with Legion, nemesis of Kang, a famous curse breaker. It's a little low on hours for an exalted
                                      3. Merlandox
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Well, I thought HoE should at least have majority of yes over no.
                                      4. i say no as well...this char invaded a cabal if you looked at him wrong and that itched me wrong. He acted more like a legion than a keeper.
                                      5. tayyah
                                        1 , 0 , 1 .
                                        keepers job is regulating the powers of the other cabals. it's their job to invade man more than anyone elses
                                      [reply to Lorne]
                                    2. tayyah [reply]
                                      0 , 0 , 1 .
                                      to be honest. I never asked for this. I have sat back and just watched. I can tell you I would rather get in on merit than controversy so if you ask my opinion just fucking pull him out because I certainly don't want all this shit on my favorite character to dates comment section
                                      1. Davairus
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        I wouldnt worry too much about the comments from the peanut gallery. They throw stuff for their own amusement
                                      2. Kedaleam
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        did I hit remove in this by accident? I might have.
                                      [reply to tayyah]
                                    3. beia [reply]
                                      1 , 0 , 0 .
                                      Its not about the peanut gallery. It is about the 9 votes for no and the 4 votes for yes.
                                      1. tayyah
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        I count 4-4
                                      2. peanut gallery or not our votes count
                                      3. and invading someone elses cabal as a keeper just to take their item isn't balance
                                      4. Davairus
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        There was an impliciit "stfu" which you didn't pick up on.
                                      5. davairus sometimes you make me wish to be in the same room with you for just like 5 minutes....thats all..
                                      6. Merlandox
                                        1 , 0 , 0 .
                                        I counted at least 5 no votes. Lorne, kedaleam, beia, kerlunk and me. Just saying.
                                      [reply to beia]
                                    4. beia [reply]
                                      1 , 0 , 0 .
                                      Well not to step on anyone's dick but damn I thought HoE was for the cream of the crop. Two months playtime should not be enough to get in. Look at everyone else that is in there. I think the least aside from Mish is 11 months. Just saying. It is irrelevant if someone plays 500 hours in 2 months and we should not be encouraging they type of playing. It is not healthy.
                                      1. Davairus
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Its not a very clear yay or neigh,and I was thinking to wait and see if there was a build up of support before I made any sort of move. But regardless, I think if this player was posting "thanks guys, this is my final character and he was my favorite, I've had a blast, shoutouts to X Y Z etc" he would easily gotten more positive reception. Take Lorne.. he spent how many months inactive?... it might sounds really bad, but if Lorne tells you his wife just gave birth or something, suddenly its ok. The point is, opinion can be easily swayed.
                                      2. Merlandox
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        HoE votes itself is a subjective thing. Swaying of opinions works both ways so it evens out and shouldnt be taken into account. The only point is how does one qualify for HoE when he has more no votes vs yes votes? Doesnt make sense when simple majority isnt even achieved. It doesnt matter if he his entire yes votes comes from new players who thinks he deserves HoE or for that matter people who were swayed to say yes.
                                      [reply to beia]
                                    5. Votes were 5 for and 5 against. When I moved him it was 5 for 2 against. I look at several things a contributors.

                                      1. Cabal leader
                                      2. 450 hours
                                      3. Custom title
                                      4. Ratio 21 pkills 12 pdeaths
                                      5. Good personal rp interactions.
                                      6. Balls of steel

                                      Any questions?
                                      1. Merlandox
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Only one... This sounds like big brother Nadrin's criteria, but not everyone thinks the same as you. 50-50 based on what I see. So... Should HoE entree follow the above criteria?
                                      2. Davairus
                                        1 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Currently, all emissaries are trusted with the power to make people exalted. You don't have to impress all of them. There is a cross-section of people in emissary, so different stuff is going to impress people or maybe not impress them at all.
                                      [reply to Nadrin]
                                    6. Not necessarily, simply explaining my vote.
                                        [reply to Nadrin]
                                      1. (removed) [reply]
                                        0 , 1 , 0 .
                                        THIS COMMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED.
                                        1. (removed)
                                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                                          THIS COMMENT HAS BEEN REMOVED.
                                        [reply to Nadrin]

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