Garv the Volcano of Infinite Rage, General of Valour > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Garv created on 01st of September 2014, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 117 hours, 6 months lifetime)

Title: the Volcano of Infinite Rage, General of Valour
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human berserker

Background history:

  1. On drinking and carousing - posted at 2014-09-03 04:41:08
On drinking and carousing
Garv was raised by his mother alone after his father died of consumption just after Garv was born. Garv's mother, a waitress and the namesake of the Anxious Wench, loved him dearly and worked long and hard hours to keep him fed. As Garv grew older, the local boys would make fun of him for his mother being an anxious wench and a waitress. Garv loved his mother dearly and would erupt in anger at the boys, sometimes taking 3 or more on in a fight and besting all of them. His fighting skills got so renowned that eventually the boys left him alone, and narry an insult did they throw again at him nor his mother. Eventually Garv reached the age of consent and immediately picked up a mug of ale. Taking after his father, Garv became an accomplished drinker at a young age, and combined with his short temper and dislike for bullies Garv would protect the innocent in a drunken rage, or sober if he HAD to, with a glint in his eye and a swagger in his step. When Garv's mother also passed away from drink, Garv pulled up his boots and made his way to Valour. He loved drinking, fighting, and protecting the weak and the good, so he figured he'd fit right in with the Knights.


PK stats:

Kills: 3, Deaths: 33 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 8%)
Pinnacle Kills: 2, Pinnacle Deaths: 28 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 6%)

Kills by class:
berserker: 1, illusionist: 1, necromancer: 1,
Killed by class:
shadow: 2, dark-knight: 1, necromancer: 16, bard: 1, invoker: 3,

Nemesis: Darzavius

Logs mentioning Garv:Mystiques mentioning Garv:


  1. Faelon [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    This guy was a badass and I am sorry to see him go. He 100% stuck to his guns and went in ready to fucking go and I dug it. Keep at it and good luck with the next one.
      [reply to Faelon]
    1. Xenyar [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Agree...liked how this guy was ready to go rage on evil full steam ahead
        [reply to Xenyar]
      1. gomerstyle [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Garv i wish i would have come drinkin with you more often but you were what a knight should be, ready to go no matter what you had on or what was going on around you. Sad to see you go but you will always be remembered for you tenacity!
          [reply to gomerstyle]
        1. curisq [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          props to you i think you were trying to play to the spirit of a what cabal chars should be, as everyone else mentioned. ready to fight and die regardless. but not just a sacrificial lamb like some knights can be.
            [reply to curisq]
          1. Right attitude to have. Props for actually fighting. I tend to see most Knights aside from you and marest quit out at the sight of one. Just have to work on actual pk performance now.
              [reply to Rayor]
            1. Davairus [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              Well I dont know about saying "Badass", to say that about a guy with a 2-34 pk record that is reaching like Reed Richards. But I'd imagine that Knight cabal eventually got difficult to raid with all those corpses stacked in front. If this is an example of a Knight cabal doing what he should then I'd like to have a look because it looks the fun is a
                [reply to Davairus]
              1. Andrael [reply]
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Dav, it was more so his indomitable spirit to always go after the Anathema, to get the crown, protect captured items, etc. That's why he's receiving such high praise.
                  [reply to Andrael]
                1. Faelon [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  Dav, I wasn't saying "This guy was one of the best pkers."

                  He was a badass. His play should be encouraged and raised upon a pedestal for other players to live up to. He did what other players refuse to do in cabals - He lived without regard for equipment and without regard for the losses. He tried to do what needed to be done and that should be commended.

                  I reiterate. Badass.
                    [reply to Faelon]
                  1. curisq [reply]
                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                    feeding evils gear and kills is not really a badass and it does not help his cabal at all in the long run so I'm not sure about the pedestal thing, but yes, his attitude and indifference to gear is something we should encourage in every cabal character. especially in a time where hiding in your cabal gets you promotions.
                      [reply to curisq]
                    1. Andrael [reply]
                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                      dude, most of the time, Garv was either in lion-crest or regal radiance. He didn't have a whole lot of kick ass gear from what I saw. He got what he needed and went in guns blazing.
                        [reply to Andrael]
                      1. Davairus [reply]
                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                        we have differente definition of badass
                          [reply to Davairus]
                        1. Faelon [reply]
                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                          It's also possible that there are varying degrees of Badassery.

                          There's pip.

                          And everyone else.
                            [reply to Faelon]
                          1. Davairus [reply]
                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                            A badass has only one definition and that is a guy who is untouchable and mowing through all the level 50s and/or causing bed-wetting + quit outs. Its more or less non-existent in our age, as the game is old enough for the competition to be too stiff for one. If a player's characters lead to classes getting nerfed he is displaying symptoms of badassitude. Save that adjective for when it is appropriate.
                              [reply to Davairus]
                            1. Andrael [reply]
                              0 , 0 , 0 .
                              So would Ravinah be considered a bad ass?
                                [reply to Andrael]
                              1. Davairus [reply]
                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                mows through everyone - check
                                got rend life nerfed - check
                                quit outs - check

                                looks it
                                  [reply to Davairus]
                                1. Andrael [reply]
                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                  Regardless, I wouldn't call Garv 'badass' but I would give him the props for sticking to his guns and doing what he knew he should have done. He deserves some sort of recognition for never giving up, never failing to do his duty, and he never failed to try.
                                    [reply to Andrael]
                                  1. Nycticora [reply]
                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                    That's a "reputable" flag you're looking for (or a custom title, etc.)
                                      [reply to Nycticora]
                                    1. Davairus [reply]
                                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                                      I agree for sure that he deserves recognition for tenacity
                                        [reply to Davairus]
                                      1. Ceridwel [reply]
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Meh, the only recognition I deserve is that I still can't pk :) I may have done better with nicer gear but I never can keep nice gear long enough before getting whacked so I just rely on Radiance and the Bill. Darz, you had my number!

                                        Super fun character. The goal of my rp was to be like a stereotypical boozing Irish guy always getting into bar fights with bullies, standing up for the weak and then getting hammered with his mates. But without the Irish accent I guess.

                                        Second berserker in a row so I'll try something new next. Thanks for all the kudos.
                                          [reply to Ceridwel]

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