Exphlament the Unholy Lady > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Exphlament created on 14th of February 2015, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 111 hours, 8 months lifetime)

Title: the Unholy Lady
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: human dark-knight

Background history:

  1. The beginning - posted at 2015-06-23 02:00:13
The beginning
Exphlament's story is not a happy one, nor is it a pretty one. Shrouded in hate, murder, and maniacal tendencies, which developed early in her life. Her plain parents, Studnaent Blhathnab married to Annha of the same last name. Baker and seamstress. Her obvious thyroid problem caused resentment from her father, and shame from her mother. PUT DOWN THE FORK EXPHLAMENT. It wasn't her fault, but no one would ever know that, medical conditions like that. She cried alone, no one to talk to. So much hate and anger, always turned inwards. Some say that there is a certain point in her life where she seemed to change over night. Whispers of an evil pact, conjuring's of sorts, an air of confidence appears, hidden behind a fake smile. Purpose.


Ripples between folds of fat, wave upon wave, where it begins or ends is a mystery. Exphlament is a gelatinous blob of a women. Years of overeating and unrestrained alcoholism has taken its toll. Matted and unkempt black hair, lay in tangles, greasy and repulsive. Her moon shaped face is blotched and marked with pimples, blackheads, warts, and moles with grotesque hair protruding from them. Her bosom is misshapen and lumpy. In an almost absurd oddity, her legs are stick thin and bowed.

PK stats:

Kills: 6, Deaths: 31 (Ratio: 0.2, Efficiency: 16%)
Pinnacle Kills: 6, Pinnacle Deaths: 28 (Ratio: 0.2, Efficiency: 17%)

Kills by class:
monk: 2, paladin: 2, illusionist: 1, thief: 3, warrior: 1,
Killed by class:
healer: 12, ranger: 6, berserker: 1, necromancer: 3, thief: 2, paladin: 1, vampire: 1,

Nemesis: Trinne

Logs mentioning Exphlament:


  1. Ouch, that was short.
      [reply to Nadrin]
    1. tayyah [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Well, not sure how to start, so we`ll start with she was a fat piece of shit, she came onto the scene with a bang, and left just as quickly :( this was me, my most infamous char since I was a teenager. Also my first leader. I`m not a long term kind of person, sorry Nadrin for the `short lived`but since the website has started the dashboard, this is my longest lived char by over 30 hours.

      I had this one planned from level 1, and I loved every second of her life right up until this week. I tried to be loud and obnoxious and rude, and I hope I succeeded. I really hope alot of people didnt like her.

      Trinne, fuck you, I could have con died to you and had no qualms about it. My breaking point was actually that paladin with 1 damn health, ONE!!!!! Ugh

      Morzan, I enjoyed all of our fights, even when I make stupid mistakes

      Im not sure what all to say because alot of her fun for me was the politics, being demoted, and than promoted. The random whispers I would do to people. everything, was awesome. I am not sad about deleting her though it was time. My next one will be better.
        [reply to tayyah]
      1. tayyah [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        There was lots of people, I am sorry kyde, I hope you dont disappear. ugh, everyone thanks
          [reply to tayyah]
        1. tayyah [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          P.P.S. I dont see how this was a rage delete, I died last night, tried to rage delete last night an hour later(i`ll call that still raging lol) and got locked out. logged in at 9:30 this morning and deleted
            [reply to tayyah]
          1. Ceridwel [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            The important thing is you had fun.
              [reply to Ceridwel]
            1. xanthas [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              good job overall imho. im glad you put forth the effort to rp and what not (unlike players such as Trinne). i look forward to you next character.
                [reply to xanthas]
              1. Seemed like you started catching on to dark-Knights after awhile, at least from the logs perspective. Can't comment on much else.
                  [reply to Rayor]
                1. narf632 [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  Well damn it, there goes plans I had with Exphlament, it was going to be good. Now that I'm in range there you go, off to never never land. Good character, shame it was so short lived.
                    [reply to narf632]

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