Brennan the Scribe of the Shadows
Brennan created on 28th of February 2003, and is currently 75 years old (177 hours played).

Title: the Scribe of the Shadows
Gender: Male
Level: 51
Class: halfling thief

Background history:


Before you is a dapper looking young halfling, with a giddy smile on his fresh face. His hair is dark and curly, and sprouts not only from the top of his head, but also from the backs of his hands and the top of his bare feet. He is slender, and stands about the height of a human youth, but he walks around with his back straight and his chest puffed out as if trying to appear taller. His face appears to always be freshly scrubbed, with bright red cheeks and smooth skin. Curling over twin rows of bright white teeth, his lips are full and match his cheeks in redness. His arms and legs are short, even for one of his height, and so he is perpetually walking quickly just to keep up with those around him. If you look closely, it appears that his clothes are always freshly pressed and clean, as if he is eternally on his way to a ball or a posh gathering. He looks at those around him clearly, without blinking, but he occassionally will catch the eye of a passer-by and toss a quick wink off. Come to think of it, most of those winks go towards the ladies walking by...

Mystiques mentioning Brennan:
